Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Evidence Act 1872 in English

The Evidence Act 1872

The History of Evidence Act, 1872

The Evidence Act, originally passed by the British Parliament in 1872, written by Sir James Stephen, father of evidence Act as well as introduced in British India. 

When Pakistan and India gained independence on 14th and 15th August 1947 respectively, the Act continued to be in force throughout the Pakistan and India except the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

After the independence of Bangladesh in 1971 the Act continues to be in force in Bangladesh.  

It is Act no 1 of 1872
Come into Force: 1st September 1872 

Category of Evidence Act, 1872:

Law means any rule, regulation, canon or a norm to which human actions are required to conform. The entire body of law is broadly classified into two categories:

1. Substantive Law: 
Which explains the parties to understand their rights and duties. Such as: Penal Code, Contract Law, Law of Property etc.

2. Procedural/Adjective Law:
Which determines the procedure of litigation. Such as: CPC, CrPC etc.

Evidence Act is Procedural/Adjective Law 


The Law of Evidence establishes a working structure for the courts from the grass root level.
It filtering the truth and serving justice to the people of the 

Structure of Law of Evidence:

Part I 
Relavancy of Fact

Chaoter 1: Preliminary, Section 1 - 4

Chapter 2: Relavancy of fact, Section 5 - 55

Part II
On Proof

Capter 3: Facts which need not be proved, Section 56 - 58

Chapter 4: Oral Evidence, Section 59 - 60

Chapter 5: Documentary Evidence,  Section 61 - 90A

Chapter 6: Of the Exclusion of Oral by Documentary Evidence,
Section 91 - 100

Part III
Production and Effect of Evidence

Chapter7: Burden of Proof, Section 101 - 114

Chapter 8: Estoppel, Section 115 - 117

Chapter 9: Witness, Section 118 - 134

Chapter 10: The Examination of Witness, Section 135 - 166

Chapter 11: Improper Admission and Rejection of Evidence, 
Section 167

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