Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Civil suits, civil case, plaint or arji

The Code of Civil Procedure 1908 easy learning
Plaints  - Order 7

Plaint means an application mentioning the cause of action , short description of the incident and prayer for relief.

Subject matter of plaint       - Order 7(1-9)
Particulars ( বিষয় বস্তু) of plaint       - Order 7(1)
The plaint shall contain following particulars:  

  • The name of the court in which the suit is brought
  • The name and description of plaintiff
  • The name and description of defendant
  • statement if plaintiff/defendant is minor/unsound minded
  • The cause of facts and when it arose
  • The facts showing that the court has jurisdiction
  • The relief which the plaintiff claims
  • Set off agreed portion by plaintiff
  • A statement of value of subject matter and court fees

Specific amount in money suits       - Order 7(2)
Property identification in immovable property suit  - Order 7(3)
Representative of other plaintiff       - Order 7(4)
Defendant's liability                          - Order 7(5)
Cause of exemption from Limitation Act   - Order 7(6)
Relief (প্রতিকারসমূহ) specifically       - Order 7(7)
Relief on other grounds                     - Order 7(8)
Procedure of admitting (গ্রহণ) of plaint   - Order 7(9)

Return of plaint (আরজি ফেরত)     - Order 7(10)
Plaint returns for the competent court.
Court will give a description of return.

Rejection of plaint (আরজি খারিজ/নাকচ/প্রত্যাখ্যান)  - Order 7(11)
Cause of rejection:

  • Cause of suit not disclosed 
  • Showing less value of relief 
  • Less valued court fees 
  • Prohibited by law
  • Time of valuation and submitting stamp paper - 21 days

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